御前崎プロ DAY3ハイライト






The third day of "Omaezaki Pro 2023" started with the men's round of 16. Although the waves were blowing slightly on the side, there was no effect on the waves as of this morning, and the conditions were glassy just like yesterday. the swell was weaker than yesterday but there was a nice wave coming. The players were drawing maneuvers in their own way from the morning. The wave conditions weakened today, and the heat of the 2nd heat of the men's quarter finals and the women's round of 16 unfolded.

Today's best score is Mirai Ikeda, who is attracting attention as a local player. It was announced the other day that Ikeda, who will be dispatched to represent Japan in the World Junior U-16 tournament in Brazil in November, will use sets that have shifted from the Middle East as first priority, and it is not a wave that will rise easily. Using the high line of things to speed up, connecting the three techniques to match the speed and rhythm until the end section, 9.00 points and excellent score, the same point as Hiroto Ohara the other day, 6.00 points and 9.00 points total 15.00 points Round up to tomorrow's quarterfinals.

In the winner interview, "I think it was good that the Heat was able to score 6 points after starting with 4 points. I waited for a good wave to make another good one, and when I caught a good wave and rode it, I got 9 points, so it was good. At first, I thought I would get 6 or more points, but I was surprised because I didn't expect to get 9 points. I was happy to be able to play in my hometown last year, but thanks to all of you, I am very happy to be able to play in Omaezaki again this year. If I don't play overseas, my physical strength will drop, so I train and watch my diet. In terms of food, I don't have enough carbohydrates, so I eat a lot and eat fruits because I like them. I don't have a specific fighter like CT, but there are individual characteristics of top surfers, so I'm working hard to reach that level. Thank you all as always. I am very happy to finally be able to play today. I will do my best tomorrow as well, so please support me.”

Tomorrow, August 27th (Sunday), the first call will be made at 6:30 am, and the heat will start at 7:00 am.

It's forecast to be hot tomorrow, so please come to the surfing venue with heatstroke prevention.
I would like you to see the performances of the best part of the players on site! !



